Note the molly at the far left with a bird: Fribble!
Note the molly at the center in the pink dress, with patches, too (attended by a Negro servant)!
Note the molly at the far right in an armchair: extreme size of the nosegay!
The mollies have "so far degenerted fro masculine Deportment,
or manly Exercises, that they rather fancy themselves Women,
imitating all the little Vanities that Custom has reconcil'd
to the Female Sex, affecting to Speak, Walk, Tattle, Cursy,
Cry, Scold, and to mimick all Manner of Effeminacy, that ever
has fallen within their several Observations"....
�Some were completely rigged in gowns, petticoats, headcloths, fine laced shoes,
befurbelowed scarves, and masks; some had riding hoods, some were dressed like
milkmaids, others like shepherdesses with green hats, waistcoats, and petticoats;
and others had their faces patched and painted and wore very extensive hoop
petticoats, which had been very lately introduced.� In a slew of costumes and
colors, they danced, drank, and made merry.
"I found between 40 and 50 Men making Love to one another, as they call�d it.
Sometimes they would sit on one another�s Laps, kissing in a lewd Manner, and
using their Hands indecently. Then they would get up, Dance and make Curtsies,
and mimick the voices of Women. O, Fie, Sir! � Pray, Sir. � Dear Sir. Lord, how
can you serve me so? � I swear I�ll cry out. � You�re a wicked Devil. � And
you�re a bold Face. � Eh ye little dear Toad! Come, buss! � Then they�d hug,
and play, and toy, and go out by Couples into another Room on the same Floor,
to be marry�d, as they call�d it.